Thursday, July 25, 2013


WE FINALLY HAVE OUR LOG IN DATE!!!!We could not be more thrilled and relieved that the most ridiculous wait is over and we are logged in with the CCCWA.  We received the news from our adoption agency on Thursday July 11 that we were logged in as of May 13th.  Hmmmmmmm, some may wonder why the hold up, why did it take two months to get that information?  That's a really good question and one I would loved answered, but unfortunately when dealing with other countries that do not do things the way we do things here, it can be quite baffling!

You see right when our paperwork was logged in, the CCCWA decided to implement a whole new computer system for adoption agencies across the globe to access information.  It would streamline how agencies received important dates, information on referrals and other information for adoptive families.  Sounds good, right?  Sooooooooo WRONG!!!!  The system literally crashed the moment it was implemented (why they never did a test run before fully implementing it is beyond me) and everything came to sudden stop, i mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G! Not one single piece of information was coming out of the CCCWA -no travel approvals, referrals, letter of acceptances, and no log in dates.  Everyone across the world was frozen in their steps with the system failure.

Well one would think that if you have a system failure you get your IT guys and fix it ASAP.  NOPE not at all!  It literally took a month and a half for them to get everything going where information could be sent.  It was so hard knowing we had lost almost two months of referrals before our agency could access our actual date of our LID.  BUT we are logged in now and we are so grateful.  I guess going through 5+ years of infertility makes a person good at waiting, waiting and patience ...which all grows and strengthens our faith.  I am so glad the LORD provided such peace during that whole debacle.

We are coming down the home stretch and are simply waiting for our family to become won't be long now!  I know Jesus has so much in store for us and we are so excited.  During that waiting period for our LID I had to really fight against being upset or losing hope.  I reminded myself that with God all things are possible and not to fear.  I could not have stayed as calm and peace-filled without the WORD.  I think that's why I didn't blog for so long.  I had to stay focus and not let any distractions get me down and I think blogging about waiting would have turned my faith down a bit.  

So here we are again waiting...but this time it's the most important be matched!!!!!!  This little one(s) is so wanted and adored and loved and prayed over already and I cannot wait to them face to face.  I pray they know how special, loved and WANTED they are.....

 God is good and we are BLESSED!

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us
Romans 5:5

1 comment:

  1. Finally! I am so glad to hear that you finally have this date...I hope that you get matched soon, and I can't wait to see the little one God has for your family!
