Sunday, September 15, 2013

Welcoming the Precious One

I had a necklace made for me in the beginning of this year which said Ying Bei  meaning  "welcoming the precious one" in Mandarin.  I didn't want to get one that said "Mama" or "adoption."  I wanted one that meant exactly how I felt for so long and what AJ and I were working toward at that very moment.  That necklace was a proclamation of faith, of yearning, of what we were petitioning the Lord for all this time. I faithfully put it on everyday and wore it to work, to family gatherings, to dinners out with the Hubby. It was calling things that were not as though they were!  Faith put into action!

All that time I would proclaim God's favor on us, His perfect timing and perfect match for us.  I wore that necklace almost as if I was wearing our expected child around my neck, carrying them with me everywhere I went,  Pretty soon though I will need a new necklace that means "Mama" or " the precious one is HERE!"

We would like to Welcome the Precious One!!

Little Eli will be coming home in December and we are in awe of God's blessings and faithfulness in our lives! God does heal the brokenhearted, He is faithful always and gives us the desires of our hearts!  We knew he was ours before we even laid eyes on him!

God's timing has been remarkable in all of this!  We were waiting so long over the summer for our LID and I was beginning to think that we weren't going to get a match until next year. Well, God tends to do things in way that only He gets the glory and my goodness does He ever!  A week and a half, yes a WEEK and a HALF, after we received our LID, we received a phone call on a Tuesday afternoon while both of us were at work, that our agency had a little boy waiting for us!  I was in utter disbelief and was stunned that we had a referral!!  Again, this is how God works..suddenly and miraculously!  We took one look at his file and we knew Eli was ours!  We consulted with our doctor in Philly and accepted his referral right after the conversation with her!

A few days later, we received a current video and a few more pictures of Eli and we were so joyfilled and teary-eyed we could hardly see the pics!

Eli at 15 months

God has been so incredibly good to us and I know there must have been soooo many times He just wanted to say to me "if you only knew what I had in store for you!"  I have learned so much about the Lord, about His faithfulness in HIS TIMING and not mine, and that if our faith and hope is in Him, we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!  It's just the unwaivering faith part that I struggle with at times!  But, through this whole journey, every tear, every heartache, every disappointment, and every form we had to fill out and continue to fill out, I have become a stronger woman in Christ and I have become a Mom!  What more could a person ask for!?

 God is GOOD and we are BLESSED!

The Lord has done this,
and it is marvelous in our eyes.
Psalm 118:23


  1. AHHHH! I am crying tears of joy and thankfulness for you!! I am beyond thrilled for you, and I will certainly be praying for Eli's heart, as well as for your's while you wait. I can't wait to follow your beautiful journey...please let me know if you need anything!

  2. I love the idea of your necklace--welcome precious one! Perfect...just like God's plan and timing. Enjoy this special time!! Hopping over from Kelly's Korner :)

  3. Your little one is so precious! We were matched with our China blessing last month and are eagerly awaiting LOA. I found your blog on Kelly's Korner. Are you in a Facebook DTC group? I'd love to follow your blog as you go to China to get your boy!
