Saturday, June 8, 2013


A quick update for you all!  Our dossier was received in Beijing on May 6th.  This week we found out that our dossier has been logged with the CCCWA, but our agency could not access our Log In Date which is necessary before they can start the matching process...happy that our paperwork is logged in...yes, frustrated that they couldn't access our LID.....a touch!  You see just as our dossier was logged in, the CCCWA (The China Center for Children’s Welfare and Adoption) decided that would be a good time to update their database systems, which put matching and dossier processing on hold for what was supposed to be a was longer that.  In the world of adoption you NEVER want to wait longer than you should because let's face it we do enough of that already!

So we waited this week, somewhat patiently, praying believing and speaking scripture over their systems to be fixed.  We got word from our agency on Friday that the systems are now completely up and running and we should have our LID Monday which means America World can start the matching process for us!!!!!!!   WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and no that was not an overuse of exclamation points..some of you can relate).  PLease keep use in prayer for:   * the matching process to be quick
        * we will travel quickly
        * all our needs will be met with overabundance

We love you all and if you have not sponsored a puzzle piece to help bring our babies home please check out the puzzle icon on the right for more info or donate through our PayPal button on the top right!  We need as much support as possible!  Love you all!

God is Good and we are BLESSED!

He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at the ends of the earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily!
Isaiah 5:26

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! It's such a relief to have an LID! I will be praying for sure that you get matched quickly. I can't wait to hear about the little one God has for you!
