Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Now...we wait!

I hope and pray all of you had a wonderful Easter.  My parents and younger brother all attended church together and then came back to our house for relaxation and yummy food.  It was such a great day and we kept thinking how next Easter will look and be totally different in a really great way!  You see two weeks ago, AJ and went to get our fingerprints done for our I800 application for Homeland Security. FOUR, yes FOUR days later our application was approved and we were ready to send our dossier in to our agency. It usually take 2 months for the I800 application to be approved, by the favor of God ours was approved in 3 weeks! We spent last Monday night with a long long line of many piles of paper creating four packets of documents and compiling all our original documents.  The next day it was overnighted to our agency, who is in charge of getting our dossier authenticated and certified by the state and the Chinese Embassy for us.

Once the dossier is authenticated it will be sent to China, translated and approved.  We then are ready to receive a referral.  It's only now about waiting and praying and trusting God and fundraising and trusting God and, oh yeah, trusting God! WE are soooo excited to be at this step and each day getting closer to meeting our little ones!  Please keep us in prayer as we enter a new phase in our adoption journey. 

If you haven't read about our puzzle fundraiser and our coffee fundraiser please read here to check it out or click on the puzzle or coffee icon on the right of this post.  We have been so blessed by those who have donated, but we have a ways to go.  Please consider sponsoring a puzzle piece or two to help bring our children home! We can't wait to welcome our children home forever!

God is good and we are blessed!

Father to the fatherless, defender of widows — this is God, whose dwelling is holy. God places the lonely in families.
Psalms 68:5-6

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! Congratulations on being DTC! I will be praying for the little one that God has for your family...HUGS!
