Saturday, February 16, 2013

Love Pure as Snow!

Over the past week, we had a few snow storms-one resulting in a little over a foot of snow!  AJ and I LOVE the snow and love the winter, so we were pretty stoked when we woke to find our neighborhood blanketed in a pure shade of white!  

We immediately headed outside to enjoy the icy cold air and help our neighbors dig out (well AJ did most of the digging and I made sure he did a good job!).

 I love when it snows-it's so quiet and cozy.  I love the crisp blue sky against the glistening trees.  God really has such creativity for each season and I have to say when He created snow, He really hit the nail on the head!


As we get closer and closer to finishing up our paperwork and the completion of our dossier, I
can't help but to let my mind start to wonder about who are children will be and what they are doing at this moment or if they are even born yet? Will they like the snow?  Are they cold right now?  Is someone holding them tight for the last time?  There are many many many emotions through the adoption process and many many many thoughts each day that I work through.  But no matter how deep, how painful or how longing my thoughts become through this process, the overwhelming love in my heart for my children overrides any of those worries. I miss them, I long for them and I love them like no no other...with a love as pure as snow....

God is good and we are blessed!

  Having purified your souls by your obedience to the truth for a sincere brotherly love, love one another earnestly from a pure heart. 
1 Peter 1:22

1 comment:

  1. beautiful pictures! Mackenzie prays for snow every night, so she can make a snow sweet!
