Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Very Special Gift

You know when you want to find the perfect gift to make the recipient know how special they are, well I found the perfect gift for the perfect person!  My mother is an incredibly special person to me, beyond words special to me.  We have a bond, like no other, and not a day goes by when I don't call my mom to see how she is and just to hear her voice.  I love her so much, not only because she is my mom, but because she is the strongest woman of God I know!  She has a love for the Lord and an unshakable form of faith that few have.  I aspire to be the faithful servant of the Lord she is, what an inspiration!

My mom means so much to me and we have grown closer with each passing year. The last five years we have formed a bond so tight, it's unbreakable.  She has provided much comfort and words of wisdom when I would call each month with a tearful broken heart as my dream of motherhood was not fulfilled.  She would encourage me and hold me tight when another friend or family member was having a baby and I was on years of trying with no results.  My mom would cry with me as I would ask "why" and she would respond "I don't know, but God is faithful" and whisper prayers into my ear to comfort me.  My mom kept her emotions in check, at times, when I knew she wanted to be sobbing deep tears of sorrow with me , but knew she couldn't if she wanted to help me stay in faith.  What a strong, loving mom I have!  

I have to say through all the pain, disappointments and tears, my mother never wavered in her faith and confessions that I would be a times she had to stand in the gap for me and lead me through dark places...she never gave up...I never gave up because of her encouragement.

When the Lord called AJ and I to adopt, I knew I wanted to honor my mother becoming a grandmother again in a very special way.  Although adoption is not the most traditional way of becoming a grandmother, I wanted her to have best, most memorable experience possible!  I wanted to honor her being a grandmother in any way I could and the way she deserves. When I came across this delicate charm, I knew this needed to be around my mother's neck.
 This beautiful charm means "maternal grandmother" and is pronounced Lao Lao.  It's a perfect piece to give to a woman so worthy of the title Grandmother.  The moment I gave this charm to my mom on New Years Day, the joy that exuded from everyone in the room was overwhelming.  Most everyone was crying and my mom was moved deeply.  It was such incredible moment to honor a woman who has given so much to so many people and never expects anything in return.  It makes my heart happy that I can give my mother something she can carry with her everyday so that she knows how loved she is and what an amazing grandmother she will be to our children.  One day when my children go barreling into her house, calling her name, she'll know their love was with her before she could see them, touch them or whisper "I love you" in their ears!