Sunday, July 6, 2014

A GRRRRReat Puppy Paw-ty!

Our little Eli is not so little anymore! Not only has he gained about 9 pounds, grew 5 inches, and is using 3+ word phrases, he turned 2 in April!  As much as it makes this Mama sad her little baby boy is not so little anymore, my heart REJOICES in the fact he is not a malnourished, sad, scared orphan anymore. We also wanted to celebrate all of who Eli is and has become with our dearest friends and family (WARNING PHOTO OVERLOAD)!!!!

In April, we had a small celebration with grandparents and some aunts and uncles at our home.  At that time, Eli was still not ready for a big celebration with a lot of people.  So we planned something a couple months after, thus our Puppy Party Bonanza!

The party was held at a beautiful park that I played in when I was little.  It brought back so many memories to be there watching my son run in the fields and play on the playground.  It was so much fun and everyone enjoyed the day.  

Eli was none too happy at first to see a rather large crowd, a bouncy castle, decoration galoure, toys and a sandbox.  In fact, he wanted nothing to do with any of it and screamed for the first half of the party.  In true Eli form, he observed, watched and contimplated then...he decided a puppy party was a pretty cool deal and had the time of his life.  It also helped that all us Hartwick peeps decided to take our turn in the bouncy castle and Eli and his bud Olivia were jumping quite high!  He LOVED the day.  

It was such a great day filled with sooooo much joy and love. Many of those that came to celebrate were meeting Eli for the first time!  What a blessing!


 We are so proud of our boy, who he is, his love for Jesus and puppies and how brave he is...something to truly celebrate puppy style!

 God is good and we are blessed!

 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it
Psalm 118:24

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